MONDAY, August 16th 1 Pm – 1:45 PM
Dr Kit Prendergast - the Bee Babette
Kit Prendergast spoke about an exciting project for people in and around areas that have been impacted by fires to install bee hotels. These are artificial nesting substrates which provide much needed substrates for cavity-nesting bees to rear their offspring in when their natural substrates have been destroyed by fires. Learn more about bee hotels, what aspects are important when you are making them and placing them and how you can bee involved in saving the bees in this Australia-wide citizen science project.
Dr Kit Prendergast, the Bee Babette, native bee ecologist, committee member of the Australian Native Bee Association. Kit is a scientist researching how we can conserve native bees. She has also written a book ‘Creating a Haven for Native Bees’.