Atlas of Life

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Underwater wonders


Prepared by Kerri-Lee Harris, on behalf of Luka Meyers
(22nd Dec, 2019)

Last week, during a quick stopover on their long, coastal drive to Perth, Luka and Alex did a bit of pier diving.

Wharves and nearby rocks can create excellent underwater habitat. Sponges, anemones, bryozoans and algae form the base layers, home for sea slugs, sea stars and more.

Here are just a few of the wonders living under our local jetties right now. Enough to encourage even the staunchest terrestrial into the water!

I’ll soon add these sightings to NatureMapr, on Luka’s behalf. A rather fitting entree for our upcoming Sea Slug Census, starting on 9th January.

If you have a story to tell about life in your part of the Atlas of Life region, please consider sending us a Creature Feature story. Contact Atlas of Life.