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new film - Understorey

Invitation from the makers: The south east forests campaign was a long and complex one. It was ultimately successful because of the untiring contributions by people who valued the natural environment and wanted to protect it.

General Invitation

20 years after the establishment of the South East Forests National Park, a film has been made about the campaigns to protect the public forests on the far south coast. The film is a fundraiser for the National Parks Association.

Adult cinema tickets at Merimbula are $14 each.

There will be DVDs available at the screenings for $20 each.

Understorey will be screened at Merimbula (Picture Show man)  5pm March 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9th and Narooma Kinema March 17th at 7pm. Please see attached invitation card and forward it to others who may be interested in seeing the film. You can see a trailer on this web link:

You can follow UNDERSTOREY on Facebook:

Kind regards

Euey Collins Peter Constable David Gallan Kim & Gabrielle Taysom